Fun Answering Queries
Who are the Screaming Eagles?
We're an an all-volunteer club with over a thousand active members, supporting D.C. United and U.S. Soccer. Founded in 1995, we're one of the oldest supporters' clubs in Major League Soccer. As of 2004, we are also a 501(c) (4) non-profit.
What do you do?
The Screaming Eagles offer a traditional soccer supporters experience – standing, singing, cheering, drumming, and flag waving. We are serious United fans, interested in the game and in our team, so don’t expect to throw your beer, set off your own smoke bomb, or collectively swear at the referee. All you’ll find is enthusiasm and support for the team! All fans are expected to abide by the Major League Soccer Fan Code of Conduct, but in essence: please just don't be a jerk.
We wave flags, fly tifo, beat drums, and and cheer all game long, as well as hosting pre-game, post-game, and off-season events. We host viewing parties and run road trips for for away games, and organize community service and charitable activities. We also provide members with soccer-related activities including SE Football Club teams in local adult leagues and special events with D.C. United players. And that's just some of what we do! Want to help out? Volunteer!
Where can I find you?
The North Stands at Audi Field (section 136, AKA "The Nest") is a general admission section, so there are no designated seats. It is all standing, all cheering, and all bouncing. Immediately adjacent to this section in 135, you can also find us in an assigned seating area.
Do you sell game tickets?
Absolutely! We sell single game tickets for the supporters sections (135 and 136) for home games. Visit our online store to purchase home game tickets.
We also sell tickets to the traveling supporters' sections at away matches so you can cheer with fellow D.C. United fans. See the online store for information on our road trips.
Do you have tailgates?
Yes! Our tailgates are held at the Matthew Henson Center, just a two-block walk from Audi Field. For more information, check out our tailgate page. #Lot8Life
Tell me more about your nonprofit work!
The Screaming Eagles have been active in our local, national, and international soccer communities for over twenty years. Serving the community is part of our core mission, and we consider it a critical part of our organization. Over the years we have worked with a variety of groups, including the Eddie Pope Foundation and Kicks for Kids.
We have formalized our partnership with local award-winning nonprofit DC SCORES, and we are excited to work more closely with them. We've also partnered up with the Earth Conservation Corps, a non-profit that provides a yearlong program of leadership and environmental skills training to young adults from local communities. We're hosting our tailgates at the ECC's Matthew Henson Center, and we wholeheartedly support their local environmental efforts.
This sounds like fun. How do I join?
That's easy: head on over to the Membership link and sign up! We also have youth memberships available for those under 21. Membership is open to anyone who wants to support D.C. United and promote soccer. We'd also love it if you'd volunteer with us - the more, the merrier!
All Welcome. All United.